Classic French Vintage Hats.
HATS – A Vintage Archive collection
This HATS reference page is mainly from various decades in the 19th & 20th century. A hat designers inspiration for the next century may come from looking into the past. I could imagine wearing any of these rare creations to brighten up the times! Latest NEW Hat views see bottom of the page 21.3.2013

In the time of King Louis XIV of France, The earliest Milliners with businesses were allowed to create as their artistic inspiration decreed. They also trimmed the dresses delivered by the dressmaker, designed matching headgear, caps, fichus, mantillas and delicate lace rushes. They were the artists who gave the dresses the correct tone with its finishing touches, the flash of wit and it’s fascinating grace.
Rose Bertin Jacques Doucet’s Art Library Foundation preserved the letters and account books of the famous Milliner Rose Bertin. Her biography was recorded in The French Encyclopedia. She was the first prolific lady becoming dressmaker and Milliner to Marie Antoinette. She opened her own shop in Paris in 1773.
1830 – Speeding up construction of Hats and garments for the female workers began with the other Fashion Revolution in 1830, with the invention of the Sewing Machine by Thimonnier. (Although much work was still continued using the needle and thread by hand). This man was so poor he arrived from the Rhone Valley, walking to Paris carrying the parts of his machine in a sack! During his life he received no profit or fame from his invention. Soon it had spread to the capitals of the world taking off in the workshops in Paris.


Wow! Wait till you see whats next?

Edition Speciale Des Marchandes de Modes - Paris
This hat model was one produced by the Milliners corporation – Des Marchandes de Modes and was shown in the Journal Le Printemps. The address given on the print is: 5 Rue des Filles St.Thomas, Paris. Also this print was an edition in the 19th year of it commencing (1869). The matching print below is also part of the same print.. (See my blog on history of the female fashion trade in Europe).

Hat study black rushed with satin bow,

Shape of rare design
Les Sables D’Olonne is a town situated on the west coast opposite the Bay of Biscay in Southern Brittany. A traditional regional Hat and costume, using white starched cotton and lace. This black and white photograph was a Post Card sent to a lady in Paris.

Three beautiful heads
A Hat fashion plate from La Modiste Parisienne, 3 Rue du 4 Septembre, Paris. A fine art printer – Imp. V. Courmont, Paris. Exceptional portraits and colour density give this a feel of great art.

Sweet roses!
A double hat plate from Societe Des Journaux de Modes Reunis. Abel Goubard Administrateur – 3 rue du Quatre Septembre, Paris.

Spring Lilac hat

Journal Des Demoiselles
1st September, 1910 – The Director of the Journal was Alain Thery, the address was, 32 Rue St Georges, Paris. Adverising Parfumerie – HOUBIGANT, 19 Fauby St. Honore. Hats for the new winter season.
More modern images, but still vintage!

The ultimate black hat!
A front cover fashion Journal 1921.

Two old Vogue hat editions

Dream hats 1947
My collection of Journal Hat front covers in a collage.
Edit August 2012

Summer pink hat
Summer pink hat, dress and gloves to match with roses in mind.
Latest Views 21.3.2013. Unseen on the internet before!


Sweet Paris Mode - 1896

Blue on black

11th February 1923 Black velvet & lace