Presenting our rare historical French fashion house reference page
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French fashion houses are mainly in Paris. Explore fascinating fashion designs rescued from obscurity from the most feminine elegant era 1835-1960. Here are some fashion drawings, and photographs collated for you to enjoy. See list of little known Fashion Houses below.
The busy fashion house of Paquin in 1907
A frenzy of activity with many bolts of fabrics being chosen for luxurious gowns of the day. Amazingly even the dogs are allowed in to play! A fabulous painting capturing exactly how it was. This painting is for reference purposes only.
Especially during the late 1800s to the beginning of the 1900s, the centre of Paris is where a vast conclave of new and already famous names chose to conduct highly successful Fashion Houses. Attracting people with their over exaggerated exotic creations compared with today’s designs, most were the work of designers who were geniuses. For example, ladies wearing a ball gown from the House of Worth would instantly feel like a royal princess.
The gowns of Paul Poirot caused a phenomenal sensation all over Paris, and many more joined the list. The evening gowns for the bourgeois were extremely elegant, and were individually made for the clients by most competitive Fashion Houses, who were eager to advertise that they were instantly recognisable by their own distinctive designs.
Many great Fashion Houses are already recorded, so we have only concentrated on the ones unique to our own collection of journals. It is also interesting that many of these Fashion Houses branched into successful Perfumery Companies, some still marketed today. America, Australia & Europe’s Vintage Clothing Stores have become, the in-vogue passion to visit for collecting these famous labels of exquisitely made garments of our past.
Now we have some stunning visual images in print to remind us of bygone design perfection.
Head to Toe Fashion Art’s archive gallery
We would like to present some obscure rare designs for reference from Fashion Houses that we have collected which do not fall into our Icons page listing, nonetheless they are very interesting and the Designer’s are equally of a high calibre. The images show the Fashion House the Designer and the date. Sometimes we also obtained the garment descriptions and the addresses of the establishment.
Fashion -Robe de visit de Rivian.
A gown for afternoon tea! An Original studio photo by Felix.
A long green patterned gown with a boat shaped neckline. This dress has 3/4 length sleeves. The lower skirt is rushed incorporating an inlaid slash of a different fabric. A fashion of distinction!
Fashion, Robe Toilette de Diner de Rivian.
Original Studio photo by Felix
A long layered dark green gown with elbow length sleeves. High waisted with lavish lace inlays. An exceptional, elegant fashion evening etire. The model has a large hat with a torquoise feather decoration.
An early French Fashion House - RIVIAN (1900-1910)
Fashion-Robe d'apres midi, de Rivian.
A rare original Studio Photo by Felix.
An elegant long aqua blue layered gown featuring a back panel inlaide with a patterned fabric. A large hat in matching colour.
This is the little known Paris Fashion House Roizat.
A pale blue satin shaped coat with a large hat.
This is probably an original studio photo by Felix
This fashion design is from Maison Chary, Paris and it is extremely rare – dated 1907. An enchanting back view style for a late night..
Further details about this Fashion House are unknown by us.
These rare fashion designs are from Maison Bechoff – David, Paris
Dated 1902.
Visit our Fashion Designers pages for more images and a unique photo of Bechoff which has never been seen before.
Another fashion design from Maison Martial et Armand – dated 1911.
The French description is: Robe de liberty bleu ancien, tres doux, legerement drapee, sous un joli movement de dentelle fine. La ceinture et les bretelles sont en gallon de perles nacrees sur fond bleu et or, grosses roses pourpres a la taille.
Fashion of-Martial et Armand 2
Fashion of-Martial et Armand 2
News – Here is an interesting list of researched and little known Fashion Houses in Paris, from 1890.. La Mode. It gave a yearly copy of its editions in the book from 15th December 1890 to 15th November 1891. They were in black and white detailed drawings, giving a wide range of many different fashions of the year. From some of the Fashion Houses mentioned below we have copied examples of there works and will load them to the site shortly.
Fashion - Toilette de Diner de Francis
A detailed inlaid very dark green robe with lace. It has elbow length sleeves bordered with lace.
A large black hat with a wide brim sets complete elegance. This image is the only one found and a very rare fashion example.
Fashion - Robe d'apres midi de Laborde.
An original studio photo by Felix.
A high waisted long yellow gown with a cobweb cut fabric overlay at the bodice, short sleeves and around the lower skirt. The only image found for this Fashion House and a very rare beautiful image.
A large hat with orange-yellow decoration.
Textiles for Fashion Houses
Address:Rue Vivienne. Paris Tissus - exquisite fashion gown fabrics.
Dated 1891 This drawing shows a most elaborate hand embroidered flower design on the long skirt part of this gown, and is slashed at the side with a contrasting fabric panel. The bodice and sleeves have the same embroidered design. Masters of worked fabric for fashion in Paris.
Hat fashion design - Dated 1891
Address: 30 rue Vivienne. Hat designer.
A fine art drawing - 'Chapeau Bragance'.
This is a most unusual design and difficult to describe. It is a, once seen never forgotten image!
French Fashion House
Address: 25 rue de Clery, Paris.
Showing three long winter coats, with embroidered skirts.
Interesting fashion designs of this era. (1891).
Fashion of Edmond Paget,pere
Fashion of Edmond Paget,pere
…and to finish, this view of a busy fashion house.
Do you like this mode Madame? 1903
This archive could become a useful reference page for fashion college students or for anyone passionate about vintage fashion.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to send us your own info or images from this fashion era (19th to mid or late 20th century).