La Haute Coiffure photographs August to December 1950
Enter an entirely new hair fashions decade, the 1950’s is so distinctive for it’s popularity of Hollywood Movie stars, their glittering performances, stylish fashions and above all the most stunning hair styles, make an indelible mark on our memories of that time.
The influence of Hollywood’s famous movies: Sunset Boulevard (1950) – An American in Paris (1951)- Singing in the Rain (1952) – Guys & Dolls (1955) – Gigi (1958) and many more, as well as the greatest female stars such as: Elizabeth Taylor, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Eva Marie Saint, Marilyn Monroe, Kim Novak, Natalie Wood, Doris Day, Diana Dors, Jayne Russell, Shirley Maclaine, Bridgette Bardot, Sophia Loren, Susan Haywood. They brought their total glamour icon image to the screens and the worlds fashion followers. London & Paris clicked on to the fashions with much enthusiasm. All fashionable ladies wished to emulate the stars. The Hair dressers held International competitions in Paris to find the finest expertise who could create that special look . The best were perhaps some of the names mentioned in these photographs. This publication became a must for the Professionals, presenting the mood, it was showing hair fashions for the day and night. Some other countries within Europe also adopted similar versions as captured in the slightly different photos.
The new styles sprang up at events all over the cities. This decade of hair fashion seemed to linger on into the early 1960’s, mainly by an older generation who could not change, but they still looked grand and elegant.

La Coiffure de Paris August 1950
TEXT: This was the photograph for the back cover of this Hair style Journal.

Side view detail is the back cover image above

Top selections 1950
TEXT: International competition entries – Creation de BOURNHAUSER, SUISE. & Creation de LINTERMANS, BELGIQUE. (Rare photos by Pietro Chauffourier, ROME).

Creations for evenings

Softer setting
TEXT: Coiffure largement ondulee, par GEORGE NOGAREDE, Paris, photo Studi Geiger.

Softer waves & curls for summer

Softer set instructions

The Hollywood look in Paris 1950
Text: Coiffure de Soire Realisee sur creveux Courts, Par Serge, de la Maison LOUIS GERVAIS, Paris.

December 1950 evening reflections
Text: Beaue de demi-siecle, La Coiffure de Gala a ete Executes par Alexandre. De La Maison ANTOINE, Paris.

Noel 1950
TEXT: L’ELEGANCE – La Coiffure, tres originale est D’ALEXANDER, de la Maison ANTOINE, Paris.

Party Mood - Paris 1950
TEXT: Coiffure de Soiree, Sur Cheveux Courts, Cre’e par HENRY PRE’VOST, Paris.

Rene Rambaud at work 1950

Detailed view of Rene Rambaud

Wave Adv. Book by Rene Rambaud
Champion of the World – George Font.

Winner celebration Paris 1950

By Champion George Font 1950
Remember the Teddy Boy Quiff? Look out ladies it might come back in trend this time for you! Surrounded with curls.

Side view of the Quiff
TEXT: Coiffure de Ville de GEORGE FONT, Champion du Monde. Member de L’Equipe de France quit a Triomphe’ a Rome. Photo by Geiger. (above).

Vitapointe was used by everyone 1950

Softer setting on demand

Double view of the softer look
TEXT: Larger curls a softer set. by GEORGE NOGAREDE, Paris, photo Studio Greiger.

Softer set instructions
Dramatic Hair style for the Stage

Stage gown and dramatic hair!
Text: Une Tableau De Maitre? Non, mais un Ensemble d’une ELEGANCE RARE, La Coiffure est de PAUL ALBERT, Paris.

Stage hair style close up
Text: Cheveux, PLUMES, Rersille Harmonieusement assembles, ont permis a PAUL ALBERT. Paris De Composer cette REMARQUABLE Coffiure de Gala.
Late in the year they set the hair TRENDS for 1951. Here are some ideas if you wear a 50’s vintage piece. These photos show a prediction of a much shorter shaped cut, making this new look contribute more business for the Hair Salons.

Prediction for 1951

Short wave prediction for 1951

This cut lives on in France -Trend for 1951
TEXT: By ANDRE FOUGARD, Paris Style prediction for 1951.

By Pierre Rambault
TEXT: Coiffure de ville de PIERRE RAMBAULT, Member de L’Equipe de France qui a Triomphe’ a Rome.

New year dresses for 1951
TEXT: Les Trois graces en 1951 De RAVISSANTS MANNEQUINS, Coiffure par (de Gauche a Droite) – Chatham, Serge. De la Maison LOUIS GERVAIS, PHYRIS, se sont obligamment pretes a cette, composition. Photo by Geiger.

Suited for 1951
TEXT: Coiffure de Apres-Midi 1951 Sur Cheveux Courts, Creation de AGG, Paris. Photo by Geiger.

Ideal stylish hair for 1951 afternoons in Paris
TEXT: Coiffure D’Apres Midi 1951. Par PAUL ALBERT, Paris.
Are any of these exceptional Hair Dressers remembered?
*** More 1951 hair style photographs are to come in our next blog soon.
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