Art Deco Attire Is The New You For Special Events
Summer Exclusive Price Reduction.
This unique Designer’s Art Deco Ensemble, has a Wide-Brimmed Velvet Hat and Jacquard & Creme – Satin Dress. They are available now – 778.00 Euros. Catch new Price reduction below until June.
The pieces could be used for many special occasions fashion events, private dinners, cocktails, celebrations, and even weddings.
Detail & Dimensions:
The Black Wide-Brimmed Hat is made of black velvet and creme-satin with a diameter of 22.5 inches. The head size is 21 inches. The hat can also be sold separately for 289.00 Euros. Price reduced.

Art Deco black velvet hat

reverse side of black velvet hat
The Art Deco Tunic Dress is made of black jacquard and creme satin. It’s UK size is 12 and its length is 41 inches, the sleeve length is 16 inches. The dress can be sold separately for 489.00 Euros. Price reduced.

Art Deco dress front view

Art Deco dress back view

Bottom layers of the dress

Sleeve detail

Bottom detail for dress
CONTACT: Offering now a new Price Reduction discount.
If you are interested and wish to support the designer by buying his Haute-Couture pieces, please contact him directly at [email protected] or use the contact page on this site. Also to compliment your attention If you purchase the ensemble before the end of June you shall receive a new 10% discount and have the ensemble for 656. 00 Euros.
International shipping is available: Full details upon demand.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Kaloyan Ivanov Esq,
Costume Architect
Headtotoefasionart would like to give more than a “Highly Recommended” mention to this strong design, which immediately conveys an authentic and stylish representation of this Art Deco period of history. This must surely be the most sought after and captivating of any other ensemble, seen by us this year in France! To be able to own such a beautiful hat and dress giving a sense of history, combined with a fashion wearable today is an important reason to buy.
Please ask any questions that you may have below and we will reply directly.